Indoor Plants & Green Walls
• When first impressions count, high quality plants make a bold statement in any building.
• At Green waves trading we are dedicated to providing outstanding indoor plant displays that will make any premises look impressive and inviting to staff and prospective clients.
• All plants are sourced from regularly audited specialist growers. We only use MPS certified growers.
• Green waves trading offers a range of indoor plant displays. Low, tall, bushy, lean, colorful or lush green – to suit all business environments.
• Color can be brought in using bright flowers or striking foliage. From desk top bowls to 30ft trees.
• Our fresh flowers are delivered to both large and small companies across Qatar, to complement indoor live plants, particularly in reception areas and board rooms.
• Every project we work on is planned with precision. We provide written method statements and risk assessments for every installation.
• We ensure all relevant aspects of health and safety are fully covered. We have a specialist major projects team experienced in horticulture, project management and method/risk assessment.
• At Green waves trading we are dedicated to providing outstanding indoor plant displays that will make any premises look impressive and inviting to staff and prospective clients.
• All plants are sourced from regularly audited specialist growers. We only use MPS certified growers.
• Green waves trading offers a range of indoor plant displays. Low, tall, bushy, lean, colorful or lush green – to suit all business environments.
• Color can be brought in using bright flowers or striking foliage. From desk top bowls to 30ft trees.
• Our fresh flowers are delivered to both large and small companies across Qatar, to complement indoor live plants, particularly in reception areas and board rooms.
• Every project we work on is planned with precision. We provide written method statements and risk assessments for every installation.
• We ensure all relevant aspects of health and safety are fully covered. We have a specialist major projects team experienced in horticulture, project management and method/risk assessment.

Patios, or paved areas, serve as an extension of the house, providing an external room for al fresco living. For city dwellers who don’t have the luxury of a garden per se, a veranda can be transformed into a lush garden with plants grown in large containers.
Designed for the rigours of the outdoor environment, this flexible, modular system comprised of proprietary panels and growth media. Pro Wall is the most widely used and comprehensive system in the industry, and can be used for creating virtually any plant design on any type of surface. Through the use of a proprietary structural growth medium, Pro Wall thrives in high-wind and seismic prone areas. Self-irrigating and low-maintenance, Pro Wall is installed fully grown to provide an instant effect.

Versa Wall is designed specifically for the interior environment and can be used outdoors seasonally. It is comprised of a patented tray system that supports industry standard 4''~5'' pots and waters the plants without dripping water out the front of the wall. Perfect for areas with seating in front of the wall or tight areas without room for a drip pan. Versa Wall is very easy to maintain and can be installed without a direct water connection or electricity at the wall. It is also the only 100% water efficient Green Wall system available, meaning there is zero water waste when used with our recirculation tank system.
Basic Wall is a container system with vines trained over an integrated trellis that is attached to the building facade. Basic Wall is a cost effective solution for creating large outdoor green walls without a pattern. Basic Wall can be planted at the site or pre-grown for a minimum of 4 months at a nursery (depending on the time of year). If installed pre-grown, you will have a 80~90% full Green Wall at install, if not, it will take up to two years to fill in at the site.